Manufacturer: GRUNDIG (Germany)
Model: W2 Type 6023, S#1499
Vintage: 1957
Purpose: Wideband Oscilloscope, Portable Service Unit
Condition: Working, Restored
Apparently, this scope was used by the US military in Germany. A sticker on the case indicates the last calibration on June 16th, 1979.
This scope was not original anymore, so I decided to restore it and make it work properly. All capacitors were replaced. The large capacitors of the power supply were left in place but disconnected and replaced. Fortunately there is still plenty of space in this little unit. The synch frequency (saw tooth) was not stable at low frequencies and therefore required also the replacement of the capacitors determining the synch frequency. Power cord was replaced and transformer switched to 110Vac input. Just to be sure, a 10 Ohm / 10W resistor was added in line with the power supply.
Capacitor C32 is listed at 5.7nF / 500V but the actual capacitor (original) in the unit was 6.8nF / 500V.
R57 is listed at 2k / 2W but a 4k / 2W resistor is installed.
One of the EZ80 (= 6V4) rectifier tubes burnt out, probably because of a faulty 150B2 voltage stabilizer. After replacing the 150B2 and the EZ80, the power supply regulated fine.
The bezel (ring) on the front panel can be screwed in / out. This is a very nice detail. See the picture of the front panel. The round knobs have all two screws.
Most of the ceramic resistors are made by Rosenthal. And they have the same emblem than most of the china in my cupboard. The is an interesting connection between scopes and kitchen.
It is still in use as a component tester.
Model: W2 Type 6023, S#1499
Vintage: 1957
Purpose: Wideband Oscilloscope, Portable Service Unit
Condition: Working, Restored
Apparently, this scope was used by the US military in Germany. A sticker on the case indicates the last calibration on June 16th, 1979.
This scope was not original anymore, so I decided to restore it and make it work properly. All capacitors were replaced. The large capacitors of the power supply were left in place but disconnected and replaced. Fortunately there is still plenty of space in this little unit. The synch frequency (saw tooth) was not stable at low frequencies and therefore required also the replacement of the capacitors determining the synch frequency. Power cord was replaced and transformer switched to 110Vac input. Just to be sure, a 10 Ohm / 10W resistor was added in line with the power supply.
Capacitor C32 is listed at 5.7nF / 500V but the actual capacitor (original) in the unit was 6.8nF / 500V.
R57 is listed at 2k / 2W but a 4k / 2W resistor is installed.
One of the EZ80 (= 6V4) rectifier tubes burnt out, probably because of a faulty 150B2 voltage stabilizer. After replacing the 150B2 and the EZ80, the power supply regulated fine.
The bezel (ring) on the front panel can be screwed in / out. This is a very nice detail. See the picture of the front panel. The round knobs have all two screws.
Most of the ceramic resistors are made by Rosenthal. And they have the same emblem than most of the china in my cupboard. The is an interesting connection between scopes and kitchen.
It is still in use as a component tester.