Manufacturer: PEK, Dr. Ing. Paul E. Klein, Tettnang (Germany)
Model: Typ 109, S#250
Vintage: 1960
Purpose: General Purpose
Condition: Unknown
This oscilloscope is a general purpose, portable unit.
The tubes are CRT DG7-6, AZ41, ECC40 2x, EF41.
This scope was manufactured by PEK for the company Dr. Reutlinger & Soehne. The nameplate mentions type 13151, S#250. Dr. Reutlinger & Soehne was known for special vibration measurement equipment. PEK must have produced special units for them. More details would be interesting to determine the exact purpose of the unit and its manufacturing.
Model: Typ 109, S#250
Vintage: 1960
Purpose: General Purpose
Condition: Unknown
This oscilloscope is a general purpose, portable unit.
The tubes are CRT DG7-6, AZ41, ECC40 2x, EF41.
This scope was manufactured by PEK for the company Dr. Reutlinger & Soehne. The nameplate mentions type 13151, S#250. Dr. Reutlinger & Soehne was known for special vibration measurement equipment. PEK must have produced special units for them. More details would be interesting to determine the exact purpose of the unit and its manufacturing.